TABARISTAN - The master, 35 crew members and 3 gunners were picked up by HMS Bengali (FY 165) (Skipper F.C. Butler) and the British armed trawler HMS Turcoman (FY 130) (Lt R.L. Petty-Major) and landed at
TEESBANK - 19 Survivors landed at
TEWKESBURY - The master and 19 crew members were picked up by the American merchant Exhibitor, transferred to HMS Cilicia (F 54) (Capt V.B. Cardwell) and landed at
TREVILLEY - 12 survivors in a lifeboat were picked up by Dumont d´Urville (Madelin), which was searching for survivors from
TUSCAN STAR – 62 survivors were picked up by the British passenger ship Otranto and landed at
TWEED - The master, 25 crew members and 2 gunners in two lifeboats made landfall at
UMONA - One gunner and one passenger (DBS) were picked up by the British steam merchant Lorca and landed at
VIKING STAR - 31 crew members and 5 gunners made landfall near
VULCAIN - The master and 33 crew members made landfall at Boffa,
WRAY CASTLE - The master, 49 crew members and 6 gunners were picked up by the Portuguese steam merchant Angola, landed at St. Thomas, Gulf of Guinea and later brought to Freetown by the Portuguese steam merchant Lourenco Marques.
YORKWOOD- The master was taken prisoner by the Germans and lost when the U-boat was sunk five days later. 39 crew members and eight gunners landed at
10,299 Survivors mostly British were rescued or made ashore at African coast. In Brazilian and the coast of Guyanas they numbered 1264 men and women.