15 DEC 2023.- Added one picture of Brazilian Corvette Rio Branco when in patrol in high seas.
12 DEC 2023 - Added one picture from Recife Ibura airbase with detailed view from above showing several compounds of that large base. Later in 1943 two more runways were built, one of them for the purpose of a parking area but used for training of small aircraft.
11 DEC 2023 - Added one new rare view from Aratu seen from above circa 1943 In the detail the picture shows six PBM Mariners largely used in the south Atlantic. Photo kindly sent by Brazilian historian Manoel Fonseca.
10 DEC 2023. Added one picture from the sinking of US Merchant Anne Hutchinson occurred 26 OCT 1942
12 NOV 2023. Added the picture from one PBY4 Liberator from US Navy seen overflying the Morro do Pico Hill heading for one lone patrol over the south Atlantic.
05 NOV 2023. Added one excerpts on the sinking of SS Veerhaven containing details on the sinking of that important Dutch ship occurred 11 NOV 1942.
01 NOV 2023. Added the picture of British merchant SIRE sunk in the South Atlantic by U-107 on 31 MAY 1941 off Freetown when sailing in ballast from UK to Pepel, Sierra Leone.
14)SIRE U-107 - S T U - SHIPS HIT BRITAIN 239 * - Articles - Sixtant - War II in the South Atlantic
29 SEP 2023. Added one more page at ARTICLES RAIDER THOR, this time on the capture of Dutch merchant KERTOSONO occurred 01 JUL 1940. the ship was ladden with Agricultural Machinery, Oil, Asphalt and timber and sailed from New Orleans to Dutch East Indies via Curaçao and Freetown along with 56 crewmwmbers and 9 passengers. Ship was sent under a prize crew to Lorient.
19 SEP 2023. Added one picture of survivors from U.S Merchant Samuel Jordan Kyrkwood sunk 07 May 1943 by U-195 some 125 miles from Ascension Is. All 70 survivors were rescued by one USAAF crash boat and taken in tow.
06 AUG 2023. Added one rare picture from survivors of Dutch merchant Benakat sunk some 140 miles northeast of Ascension Island on 20 May 1943 by U-197. All 44 crewmembers survived. One boatload went ashore at Ascension Is. The second boat was rescued after 17 days adrift by AMC HMS Corfu and landed them at Freetown.
29 JUL 2023. Added picture of British Merchant Kohinur sister ship Ranee sunk 15 NOV 40 by U-65 on pos 04º 24’’N 13º 46’W. She was loaded with Government stores and departed from Port Talbot, Wales, to Alexandria and Port Said.
22 JUL 2023. Added the picture of British merchant Ilorin, completed in December 1920 as Marion Merrett for D.R. Llewellyn, Merrett & Price Ltd, Cardiff. 1924 renamed Kirkwynd for McIntyre, Inglis & Co Ltd, Glasgow. 1926 renamed Smerdis for J. & P. Hutchison Ltd, Glasgow. 1934 renamed Ilorin for Elder Dempster Lines Ltd, Liverpool.
19 JUN 2023. Added report by US Navy Depatment 08 May 1943 reporting the departing of supply ship Regensburg from Yokohama to France. The same was sunk South West off Azores on 05 March 1943.
9)SUPPLY SHIP REGENSBURG - SHIPS TANKERS - Articles - Sixtant - War II in the South Atlantic
26 MAY 2023. Added an updated picture of German Blockade runner Goslar scuttled at Paramaribo on 10 MAY 1940 to avoid seizure.
15 MAY 2023. Added a short archival footage on the capture by Royal Navy of German ship Uhenfels in 1939 off Freetown.
27 APR 2023. Added a new article - SHIPS SUNK BY MONTH 1939 1945. An easier way to find any ship by month and day of sinking.
SHIPS SUNK BY MONTH 1939 1945 - Articles - Sixtant - War II in the South Atlantic
09 APR 2023. Added one picture from British ship SS Cingalese Prince Sunk 20 SEP 41 by U-111 on pos. 02º 00’S 25º 30’W
04 MAR 2023. Added a rare picture from British ship SS Dalhousie sunk 09/08/42 by Raider STIER on pos. 20º 22”S 24º 40”W. The picture was kindly sent by Ian Archibald, Convenor Burntisland Heritage Trust.
28 FEB 2023. Added one picture from the moment the British merchant Sarthe is broken in two after being hit forward of the bridge by one torpedo from U-68 on 8 OCT 42 in pos. 34° 50'S 18° 40'E.
6)SARTHE U-68 - S T U - SHIPS HIT BRITAIN 238 * - Articles - Sixtant - War II in the South Atlantic
25 FEB 2023. Added one rare picture taken following the sinking of Burgenland depicts the ocean surface with a vast quantity of rubber bales. This vital cargo now in the hands of the allies would suffice to produce thousands of aircraft tires.
14 JAN 2023. Added the picture of Panamanian merchant Aneroid ex War Trefoil.
12 JAN 2023. Added the picture of Panamanian merchant Bayou ex Lake Fairfax.