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LACONIA – 1083 survivors including the Italian POW were fished out from their lifeboats and taken aboard the Vichy French Cuisers Gloire, Dumont d'Urville and Annamite and taken to Dakar and Casablanca.

LYLEPARK – 19 survivors including Captain Low, having initially been separated from his First Officer, was spotted by an aircraft from the Escort Carrier HMS Archer, and eventually picked up by that ship and taken to Freetown.

MANCHESTER CITIZEN - The master, 44 crew members, 8 gunners and 23 Krooboys were picked up by the FFL Commandant Detroyat (J 1166) and landed at Lagos.

MARLENE -  The master and 46 crew members landed at False Cape, Sierra Leone.

MATADIAN - The master, 38 crew members and 8 gunners were picked up by the British motor launch HMS ML-282 (SubLt D.R. Pearson), transferred to the British motor launch HMS ML-1016 and landed at Lagos.

MUNCASTER CASTLE - The master, 69 crew members, 11 gunners, 2 naval signalmen and 246 passengers were picked up by HMS Aubretia (K 96) (LtCdr V.F. Smith, DSO, RD, RNR) and the Greek steam merchant Ann Stathatos and landed at Freetown.

MYRMIDON - The master, 105 crew members, 10 gunners and 129 passengers were picked up by the destroyer and landed at Pointe Noire, French Congo.

NAGINA - The master, 100 crew members and 10 gunners were picked up by the British A/S trawler HMS Birdlip (T 218) (Lt E.N. Groom) and landed at Freetown

NEBRASKA – 20 survivors including the master landed at Recife on 24 April. 25 survivors were picked up by the Brazilian Sub Chaser Juruena off Barra Nova, State of Sergipe on 24 April 1944. They reported that they were adrift for 16 days and without food. Another lifeboat cramped with  men was spotted by the Brazilian vessel and the men were rescued in state of  starvation. Other survivors were rescued by British merchant Kindat and landed at Freetown. 

NEW COLUMBIA - The master, 54 crew members, 10 gunners and 19 Kroomen were picked up by the British merchant Conakrian and landed at Lagos.

NEW TORONTO – The master, 50 crew members, 6 gunners, 28 cattlemen and 17 Kroomen were picked up by the British motor launch HMS ML-263. 

OCEAN MIGHT - The master, 40 crew members and 9 gunners landed 35 miles east of Accra at Ningo, Gold Coast.

ORCADES - The master, 289 crew members, 34 gunners and 693 passengers were picked up by the Polish steam merchant Narwik (Master Zawarda) and landed at Capetown

ORONSAY –  347 survivors were rescued after  8 days adrift by the Destroyer HMS Brilliant and taken to Freetown. Other 30 survivors were rescued by a Vichy French ship and interned at Dakar for the rest of the war.

OUED GROU - The master and 33 crew members made landfall at the village of Kulama, Nigeria.  



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