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Diverse, Group 1, Box 126, File: Coastal appreciations general. A Japanese attack on South Africa: An appreciation from the enemy point of view, 29 Sept 1942.
Diverse, Group 1, Box 126, File: Coastal appreciations general. Most secret communication between DECHIEF and OPPOSITELY regarding the scales of attack by sea and air in South African waters, 8 Apr 1943.
Diverse, Group 1, Box 126, File: Operation “Throttle”. Operation Throttle ops order, 30 May 1944.
Diverse, Group 1, Box 126, File: Operation “Steadfast”. Operation Steadfast ops order, 12 Jun 1944.
Diverse, Group 1, Box 126, File: Operation Tricolour (location + destruction Uboat). Message from Admiralty to C-in-C SA re Operation Tricolour, 25 Jul 1944.
Diverse, Group 1, Box 127, File: Appreciations navy. C-in-C South Atlantic appreciation of the naval situation in the Cape area, 4 Oct 1942.
6.1.3 Chief of the General Staff (War)
CGS War, Box 38, File: Coast Defence Guns. Secret Proposal for the Modernisation of Coast Defences, 22 Jun 1938.
CGS War, Box 38, File: Coast Defence Equipment. Secret Policy on Coast Defence, 16 Sept 1939.
CGS War, Box 38, File: Port and Dock Security Measures. Extract from Col Webster’s report on security at the Port of Cape Town, undated (probably Jun 1940).
CGS War, Box 38, File: Port and Dock Security Measures. Memorandum of Meeting held at DHW re Docks Field Security, 15 Oct 1942.
CGS War, Box 38, File: Port and Dock Security Measures. Notes of meeting held at DHQ in connection with the proposed formation of a Port Security Unit, 15 Oct 1942.
CGS War, Box 38, File: Blackouts and lighthouses. Correspondence between Tait and Van Ryneveld re coastal blackouts, 19 Jun 1942.
CGS War, Box 38, File: Blackouts and lighthouses. Circular from Office of the C-inC South Atlantic Station (Tait) to Naval Liaison Officers at Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town re harbour and coast lights, 19 Jun 1942.
CGS War, Box 38, File: Blackouts and lighthouses. Correspondence between Secretary of Defence and Minister of Justice re black-out conditions coastal area, 29 Sept 1943.
CGS War, Box 38, File: Blackouts and lighthouses. Letter from C-in-C South Atlantic to CGS, 31 May 1945.
CGS War, Box 122, File: Raiders. Secret report on possible operation of Italian submarines in the Indian Ocean, 3 Jul 1940.
CGS War, Box 122, File: Raiders. Most secret cable between DECHIEF and COASTCOM re sinking of German submarine off Cape Town, 9 Oct 1942.
CGS War, Box226, File: Wireless stations (communications with). Secret note on the interception of illicit communications, 2 Nov 1939.
CGS War, Box 226, File: W.T. stations: Ship to shore & ship to aircraft. Letter from Harlech to Smuts re Admiralty Policy with regard to wireless communication, 9 Mar 1943.
CGS War, Box 265, File: Sitreps coastal area. Most secret cypher between Coastcom and Dechief Fortcoms, 21 Aug 1943.
CGS War, Box 265, File: Sitreps coastal area. Most secret Sitrep from Dechief Cape Town to Coastcom, 7 Mar 1944.
6.1.4 Chief of the General Staff (Group 2)
CGS, Group 2, Box 209, File: CGS/367/13/9. DCGS to Director of Training and Operations, 3 Aug 1939.
6.1.5 Commander Seaward Defences
CSD, Box 15, File: Group sailing operations Union waters. Note on commencement and ceasing of group sailings, 1944.
CSD, Box 15, File: Policy (escort groups). Note on commencement and ceasing of group sailings, 1944.
CSD, Box 15, File: Policy (escort groups). CSD Approval of exchange with RN of A/S vessels, 15 Nov 1943.
CSD, Box 15, File: Policy (escort groups). Personal correspondence between CSD and GOC coastal area re SANF vessels and A/S warfare, 30 Oct 1942.
CSD, Box 15, File: Policy (escort groups). Correspondence between CSD and SANOi/c Durban re SANF A/S vessels on escort duties, 28 Apr 1943.
CSD, Box 15, File: Policy (escort groups). Correspondence between CSD and SANOi/c Durban re participation of SANF vessels in convoy escorts from SA ports, 23 Jan 1943.
CSD, Box 25, File: SANF Escort Force exercises. Proposed Atlantic convoy instructions re action to counter U-boats anti-asdic tactics.
CSD, Box 43, File: SANF Anti-submarine Warfare Committees. Minutes of A/S SubCommittee meeting coastal area headquarters, 12 Mar 1943.
CSD, Box 43, File: SANF Anti-submarine Warfare Committees. Report by Officer Commanding HMSAS Gannet re U-boat warfare in the South Atlantic, 10 Jun 1943.
CSD, Box 43, File: SANF Anti-Submarine Warfare Committees. U-boat Warfare in the South Atlantic – Analysis of Attack by U-boat, 10 Jun 1943.
6.1.6 Secretary for Defence
DC, Box 1973, File DC 396/38: SNO to Secretary for Defence, 28 Sept 1939. DC, Box 1973, File DC 396/38: Secretary for Defence to SNO, 30 Sept 1939.
6.1.7 Union War Histories (Civil)
UWH Civil, Box 1, File: The Five-Year Defence Plan, 1947.
UWH Civil, Box 12, File: SA War Economy 1939-1945. Procurement of Supplies – SA Purchasing Organisation in USA.
UWH Civil, Box 16, File: The War Time Shipping Problem. Introduction and Background to the Shipping Crisis of 1942/1943.
UWH Civil, Box 16, File: The War Time Shipping Problem. Shipment of Union Government Cargo from the United Kingdom.
UWH Civil, Box 16, File: The War Time Shipping Problem. The Beginning of Shipping Control over Commercial Cargo.
UWH Civil, Box 16, File: The War Time Shipping Problem. Clearing the Accumulation of Commercial Cargo, and the commencement of Combined Shipping Adjustment Board Procedure, Jun-Dec 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 16, File: The War Time Shipping Problem. The Effect of Combined Shipping Procedure upon the Responsibilities of the Union High Commissioner’s Office 1942-1944.
UWH Civil, Box 23, File: SA Railways and Harbours Departmental Civil War History Vol VIII – Addenda to Volumes I and II Ports and Shipping. Port Development.
UWH Civil, Box 23, File: SA Railways and Harbours Departmental Civil War History Vol VIII – Addenda to Volumes I and II Ports and Shipping. Memorandum on the Ship Repair Organisation.
UWH Civil, Box 23, File: SA Railways and Harbours Departmental Civil War History Vol VIII – Addenda to Volumes I and II Ports and Shipping. Establishment and Functioning of Controller of Ship Repairs.
UWH Civil, Box 24, File: SA Railways and Harbours Departmental Civil War History Vol VIII. Ports & Shipping.
UWH Civil, Box 25, File: Shipping Repairs. South Africa’s Achievement in Wartime Shipping Repairs.
UWH Civil, Box 35, File PO/29. South African Purchasing Commission Inception and Organisation, 1940-1947.
UWH Civil, Box 36. File: Shipping. Statement of Shipments from the United Kingdom during the Period Jan to Dec 1943.
UWH Civil, Box 60, File: C 38. Wartime Shipping Problem.
UWH Civil, Box 73, File: Year Book, Section XI. Shipping.
UWH Civil, Box 86, File: MS 11. Coast Defence Policy, undated.
UWH Civil, Box 107, File War/C/131: Coordination of Allied War Effort – Control of Supply and Shipping. Telegram from Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, London, to Minister for External Affairs, Cape Town, 27 Jan 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 107, File War/C/131: Coordination of Allied War Effort – Control of Supply and Shipping. Telegram from the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, London, to the Minister of External Affairs, Cape Town, 28 Jan 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 107, File War/C/131: Coordination of Allied War Effort – Control of Supply and Shipping. Telegram from High Commissioner, London, to Minister for External Affairs, Cape Town, 2 Mar 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 108, File: Import Control. Priority Rating.
UWH Civil, Box 108, File: Import Control. Shipping Term Allocation.
UWH Civil, Box 110, File: Import Control. Shipping Term System.
UWH Civil, Box 110, File: Procurement. Steel Shipment and Orders at Hand.
UWH Civil, Box 110, File: Shipping. Shipment of Steel Supplies.
UWH Civil, Box 111, File: Import Control. Certificates of Essentiality.
UWH Civil, Box 111, File: Import Control. Priority Rating Shipping.
UWH Civil, Box 111, File: Shipping. Position in 1945.
UWH Civil, Box 112, File: Import Control. Priority Rating in Relaxation to Shipping.
UWH Civil, Box 113, File: Shipping – Shipping for July and August 1942. Telegrams from South African Litigation, Washington to PrimeSec Pretoria, 22 Jul 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 113, File: Shipping – Position in June 1942. Telegram from Oppositely, London, to South African Litigation, Washington 17 Jun 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 114, File: Priority Rating. Backlog of Cargo from UK.
UWH Civil, Box 220, File: Union War Histories Translations 14a. U-boat Operations of the Axis Powers in S.A. Waters compiled by Dr Jurgen Rohwer, 1954.
UWH Civil, Box 240, File 215: Union Coast Defences. South African Naval Forces, 15 Aug 1940.
UWH Civil, Box 312, File: Fuehrer Conferences on Naval Affairs 1942. Report to the Fuehrer, made by the Commander-in-Chief, Navy the afternoon of 13 Feb 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 312, File: Fuehrer Conferences on Naval Affairs 1942. Report by the Commander-in-Chief Navy to the Fuehrer at Headquarters ”Wolfsschanze” the evening of 12 Mar 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 339, File: Gordon-Cumming U-Boat Material. Miscellaneous notes, undated.
UWH Civil, Box 339, File: Gordon-Cumming U-Boat Material. South Atlantic Station War Diary, Oct 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 339, File: Gordon-Cumming U-Boat Material. Extract from Proceedings of U-boat Assessment Committee (Volume 9), Sept-Dec 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 339, File: Gordon-Cumming U-Boat Material. Report on U-boat Activities in South African Waters, Oct-Dec 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 339, File: Gordon Cumming U-boat material. The Commanders-inChief South Atlantic and Eastern Fleet, Report on the safety of shipping in South African waters, 30 Mar 1943.
UWH Civil, Box 340, File: Long naval history. Ships lost or damaged by enemy action in South African waters.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File – U-Boat matters. Questions and answers submitted by UWH section to Fregattenkapitän Gunter Hessler re U-boat warfare in South African waters.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File: U-boat matters. Report on experience gained by U-459 refuelling 15 U-boats, 21 March – 15 May 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File: U-boat matters. Operation Order “Eisbär”, 1 Aug 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File: U-boat material. Report on U-boat policy & ops in South African waters by Walter Meyer.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File: U-boat material. Extracts from war diary U-159 (Helmut Witte), 24 Aug 1942 – 5 Jan 1943.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File – U-boat material. Comments on war diary U 159 (Helmut Witte).
UWH Civil, Box 341, File: U-boat matters. Extract from letter from Carl Emmermann on Operation Eisbär, 17 Oct 1953.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File – U-boat material. Report on my experiences on board U68 on voyage to Cape Town from middle of August to middle of December 1942 by Walter Meyer.
UWH Civil, Box 341, File: U-boat matters. Emmermann (U-172) on Operation
UWH Civil, Box 342, File: Newspaper Articles Naval War. ‘Gold gab für man Bose’ in Muenchner Illustrierte, 13 Mar 1954.
UWH Civil, Box 342, File: Newspaper Articles Naval War. R. Littell, ‘The Cruise of the Raider ATLANTIS´ in Readers Digest, Nov 1953, pp. 69-73.
UWH Civil, Box 342, File: Translations of Extracts from German Books. Schiff 16 (Atlantis) by Frank and Rogge.
UWH Civil, Box 342, File: “Pinguin”. Die Kaperfahrt des Hilfskreuzers “Pinguin” 1940/41 by Dr Hans Ulrich Roll – Meteorological officer of Pinguin.
UWH Civil, Box 342, File: Translations of Extracts from German Books. Das glückhafte Schiff Kreuzerfahrten des ADMIRAL SCHEER.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Minutes of meeting Chief SKL-Nomura, 17 Dec 1941.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. 1/SKL
Appreciation of Situation, 18 Dec 1941.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Minutes Chief of Staff SKL to Chairman Military Commission of Tripartite Pact, 19 Dec 1941.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Copy of Military Agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan, 18 Jan 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Report on discussion with Admiral Nomura from Chair Military Commission Tripartite Pact to Chief OKW, 17 Feb 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Minutes of meeting between Admiral Nomura and Chief of Staff SKL, 27 Mar 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Notes on main point of discussion Nomura-Fricke, 27 Mar 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Minutes of meeting between C/SKL and Japanese Naval Liaison Staff, 8 Apr 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Telegraphic report German Ambassador Tokyo to Reich Foreign Minister, 14 Apr 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Minutes of meeting between Jodl, Nomura, Bansai at Fuehrer HQ, 8 Aug 1942.
UWH Civil, Box 392, File: UWH Translations of Captured German Documents – German-Japanese High Level Documents on Strategy and Tactics. Minutes of meeting Chief SKL-Nomura, 11 Aug 1942.
6.1.8 Map Collection
File – War in the Southern Oceans maps. Chart and List of Ships Sunk Captured or Damaged in the Waters off Southern Africa, 1939-1945.
6.1.9 Photographic Archive
841000346 – RAF Catalina of 262 Sqn.
781004773 – F/Lt E.S.S. Nash attacking U-Boat Uit22 with his Catalina Aircraft.
6.1.10 South African Air Force War Diaries
SAAF War Diaries, Box 122, File: A4 (22 Sqdn Jan – May 1944). 22 Squadron SAAF war diary Mar 1944.
SAAF War Diaries, Box 124, File: A4 (23 Sqn Jan–Dec 1944). 23 Squadron SAAF war diary Mar 1944.
SAAF War Diaries, Box 125, File: A3 (25 Sqdn Jul ’43 – Mar ’44). 25 Squadron SAAF War Diary Mar 1944.
SAAF War Diaries, Box 125, File: A3 (25 Sqdn Jul ’43 – Mar ’44). 25 Squadron SAAF War Diary Mar 1944, Secret UBAT report (Appendix B).
SAAF War Diaries, Box 127, File: D2 (262 Squadron Sept 42 – May 44). 262 Squadron RAF war diary Mar 1944.
SAAF War Diaries, Box 127, File: D2 (262 Squadron Sept 42 – May 44). 262
Squadron RAF war diary Mar 1944, Secret UBAT report – Flt Lt Roddick (Appendix).
SAAF War Diaries, Box 182, File: A1 (SAAF war diary CCAD). CCAD coastal area headquarters war diary Mar 1944.
6.3.1 Ossewabrandwag Archive (OB Archive) Correspondence Archive
A.F. Schulz Versameling. Nazisme in Andalusia Interneringskamp, 9 Okt 1940 – 22 Nov 1944.
L. Sittig Collection. Lyste met kodes, ongedateer.
L. Sittig Collection. Kontak tussen die Ossewabrandwag en die Duitse Regering, 1942-1944.L. Sittig Collection. 3(a) – N.O. Pasche, 12 Aug 1986 Audio Archive
Transkripsies/Bandopname. H.J.R. Anderson.
Transkripsies/Bandopname. J.H. Barnard.
Transkripsies/Bandopname. H.T. Hickman.
Transkripsies/Bandopname. Dr Eric Holm.
Transkripsies/Bandopname. J.H. McDonald.
Transkripsies/Bandopname. H. Rooseboom. Transkripsie/Bandopname. D.J.F. Scribante.
Transkripsies/Bandopname. L. Sittig.
Transkripsies/Bandopname. A.S. Spies. Photo Archive
F00005_3 – H. Rooseboom.
F00660_3 – M. Radley.
F00660_5 – W. Radley.
F01069_5 – L. Sittig.
M0011 – Radiosender.
6.4.1 Records of the Admiralty
ADM 1/10262. Memorandum on the possible conversion of South Atlantic whalers for A/S duties, Mar 1939.
ADM 1/10262. Treasury Inter-Service Committee – Proposal to requisition Whalers, 18 Mar 1940.
ADM 1/10262. Remarks on the Underwater Defence of Cape Town, Simonstown, East London, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Saldanha Bay, 14 Feb 1942.
ADM 1/10262. Circular by Director of Local Defences re South African Boom Defences, 23 Mar 1942.
ADM 1/10262. Naval Cypher from F.O.i.c. Simonstown to C-in-C South Atlantic re Shipment of Boom Defences to Union, Mar 1942.
ADM 1/10262. Naval Cypher from Admiralty to F.O.i.c. Simonstown re Importance of the Development of Saldanha Bay, 16 Mar 1942.
ADM 1/10262. Naval Cypher from F.O.i.c. Simonstown to Admiralty re Union Government commitment to Boom Defences, 13 May 1942.
ADM 1/12101, Anti-U-boat warfare. Measures required to meet the U-boat threat in South Atlantic, 7 Dec 1942.
ADM 1/12643. Report by Captain C D Howard-Johnston on anti-submarine operations in the South Atlantic, 1943.
ADM 1/26888. “Y” Organisation in South Africa. Memo on Y and RSS in South Africa, 16 Mar 1942.
ADM 1/26888. “Y” Organisation in South Africa. Report by Staff Officer (Y) on “Y” Organisation, 24 Jun 1943.
ADM 1/26888. “Y” Organisation in South Africa. Report by Staff Officer (Y) on “Y” Organisation, 24 Jun 1943.
ADM 1/27176. Naval Intelligence Organisation South Africa. Cape Town Intelligence Centre – Report of Working, 1933.
ADM 1/13288. South Atlantic R.D.F. Instructions, 1 May 1943.
ADM 1/15276. Secret Correspondence between C-in-C South Atlantic and SANF re the manning of A/S Fixed Defences in South Africa, 22 Jun 1943.
ADM 1/15276. Naval Cypher from Admiralty to C-in-C South Atlantic re A/S Fixed Defences in South Africa, 8 Oct 1943.
ADM 1/15276. Memorandum on the Axis use of Midget Submarines, 19 Jan 1943.
ADM 1/15276. Circular from Director of Anti-Submarine Warfare re HDAs in South Africa, 5 May 1943.
ADM 1/12643, Anti-Submarine Operations – South Atlantic Station. Report of Captain Howard-Johnston’s Visit to the Cape, Oct 1943.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. General Organisation and Expansion from Peace to War Footing.
1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Tracking Section.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Operational Intelligence.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Security.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Naval Press Relations.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Naval Censorship.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Appendix I.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Appendix II.
ADM 1/31006. History and Organisation of the Naval Intelligence Centre Cape Town. Appendix III.
ADM 1/17587, A/S Organisation in South Africa. Report on the A/S Organisation in South Africa by Lt Cdr R.N. Hankey, 16 Apr 1945.
ADM 116/4344. SNO to Admiralty, 3 Sept 1939.
ADM 116/4344. SNO to Admiralty, 6-7 Sept 1939.
ADM 116/4344. SNO to Admiralty, 9 Sept 1939.
ADM 116/4344. SNO to Admiralty, 13 Sept 1939.
ADM 116/4344. SNO to Admiralty, 21 Sept 1939.
ADM 116/4499. Defence Plan for Ports in the Union of South Africa, 23 Feb 1942.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Jan 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Feb 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Mar 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Apr 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, May 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Jun 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Jul 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Aug 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Sept 1943.
ADM 199/2334. South Atlantic War Diary, January to October 1943. South Atlantic War Diary, Oct 1943.
ADM 223/530. Naval Cypher from S.O.I. Simonstown to C-in-C South Atlantic re Bellringer, 13 Nov 1941.
6.4.2 Record of the Air Ministry, the Royal Air Force, and related bodies
AIR 9/190, Anti U-boat Warfare – African Shipping. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Air re Anti-submarine air protection of convoys on the west coast of Africa and the Indian Ocean, 25 Jan 1943.
AIR 9/190, Anti U-boat Warfare – African Shipping. Anti-U-boat protection in the Cape Area, 9 Jun 1943.
6.4.3 Records of the Cabinet Office
CAB 84/46, Air Defence on South Africa and Madagascar. Personal Telegram from Smuts to Churchill, 5 Jun 1942.
CAB 84/46, Air Defence on South Africa and Madagascar. Report by the Joint Planning Staff on the Air Defence of South Africa and Madagascar, 7 Jun 1942.
CAB 84/46, Air Defence on South Africa and Madagascar. Note by the Secretary of the Joint Planning Staff on the South African Air Force, 12 Jun 1942.
CAB 120/474, South Africa: correspondence with Field-Marshal Smuts. Note to Prime Minister on Air Defence of South Africa, 16 Jun 1942.
6.4.4 Records of the War Office
WO 106/4934. South African Coastal Defence, 24 Nov 1940.
WO 208/5111. South Africa General. Telegram from C-in-Ci Middle East to War Office, 7 Mar 1942.
WO 208/5111. South Africa General. South Atlantic ‘Y’ Organisation, 12 Dec 1942.
WO 208/5156. “Y” Committee South Africa. Letter from ME to MI8, 13 May 1942.
WO 208/5156. “Y” Committee South Africa. Minute from Y Board with enclosed paper on formation of Y Committee in South Africa, 13 Aug 1942.
WO 208/5156. “Y” Committee South Africa. Minute to DMI, 19 Aug 1942.
WO 208/5156. “Y” Committee South Africa. Memo from Chairman ‘Y’ Board on ‘Y’ Services in South Africa, 3 Oct 1942.
WO 208/5156. “Y” Committee South Africa. Draft telegram to Chairman ‘YI’ Board from Chairman ‘Y’ Board, 3 Oct 1942.
6.4.5 Records of the Security Service
KV 2/202, Elferink, Lambertus. 152a – Interim Report on WERZ, Luitpold, 31 Oct 1945.
KV 2/925, Leibbrandt, Robey. 67a – From Col. Webster attaching replies to questionnaire, copies of photograph, memorandum re LEIBRANDT’s activities, 1 Jun 1942.
KV 2/939, Lothar SITTIG/ Nils PAASCHE. 79a – Copy of First Report on German Espionage in the Union of South Africa, 25 Sept 1943.
KV 2/939, Lothar SITTIG/ Nils PAASCHE. 121b – Copy of Second Report on German Espionage in the Union of South Africa, 27 Nov 1943.
KV 2/939, Lothar SITTIG/ Nils PAASCHE. 194a – Extracts from Third Report German Espionage in the Union of South Africa, 25 May 1944.
KV 2/940 – Kolb, Hubert. 55a – Interim Report on Walter Paul Kraizizek.
KV 2/941, Rooseboom, Hans. 37a – Copy of information from BJ 135893.
KV 2/941, Rooseboom, Hans. 11a – Copy of cable received from Pretoria re ROOSEBOOM, SITTIG and MASSER, 27 Jul 1943;
KV 2/941, Rooseboom, Hans. 13a – Extract from BIB report on German Espionage in the Union of South Africa re ROOSEBOOM, 25 Sept 1943.
KV 2/941, Rooseboom, Hans. 43a – Copy of Interim Report on MASSER, mentioning ROOSEBOOM, 26 Oct 1945.
KV 2/941, Rooseboom, Hans. 44a – Copy of Interim Report on Walter Paul Kraizizek, 31 Oct 1945.
KV 2/941, Rooseboom, Hans. 46a – Extract from CSDIC/WEA Final Report on AHLRICHS re ROOSEBOOM, 4 Feb 1946.
KV3/10. German Espionage in South Africa, 1939-1945. German intelligence activities in South Africa during the Second World War.