Andreas seen date & location unknown. Picture copyright by
Built 1919
Tonnage 6,566 / 10,660 dwt
Cargo: 8,500 tons of military stores
Route: Trinidad - Capetown - Alexandria
Sunk 5 OCT 42 by Italian submarine Leonardo Da Vinci on pos. 02º 00’S 30º 30’W.
10 Dead
41 Survivors
6 other crew members were rescued by the Italian submarine and taken P.O.W. over Bordeaux, France to P.O.W. Camp Kaviari, Italy
The Andreas was an old ship built in 1919 by Harland & Wolff in Belfast, Ireland, and it belonged to the Greek company "Ionian Steamship Co Ltd". Previously she had been known as the Philadelphian in 1919 and the New Mexico in 1933. The Liberty ship was steaming from Capetown to Dutch Guiana without a load. The ten dead included the captain, 5 crewmembers, two passengers and two gunners. The survivors including members of the militiamen of the "Naval Armed Guard" eventually made ashore at the Brazilian coast a few miles off Fortaleza, state of Ceara in four launches, one of which was motorized.
The two documents above, the permit and registered voyages card belongs to one survivor of SS Andreas, Geronimos Niphoratos kindly sent by his son Steve Niforatos.