Aegeus seen as former Dalworth. Photo Screw Steamer DALWORTH built by Archibald McMillan & Son in 1920 for Dalgliesh Steam Shipping Co Ltd - mng Robert S Dalgliesh, Newcastle, Cargo (
Built 1920
Tonnage 4,538 / 8,140 Tons
Cargo 3,929 tons government stores and 2,553 tons of general cargo
Sunk 02 NOV 42 by U-177 on pos. 32º 30’S 16º 00’E
29 Dead
No Survivors
Laid down as War Stock for The Shipping Controller, completed in May 1920 as Dalworth for R. S. Dalgliesh Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1935 renamed Simonside for Connell & Grace Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1937 sold to Greece and renamed Aegeus for Pateras Bros, Piræus.
At 21.59 hours on 2 Nov, 1942, the unescorted Aegeus was hit by two torpedoes from U-177 and blew up in a heavy explosion. The U-boat had to dive to avoid falling debris, but one crewman was slightly wounded when entering the conning tower. The ship had been spotted at 05.34 hours and was attacked with a torpedo at 10.22 and 10.26 hours, which both passed underneath the vessel because the firing distance was too short.
By Aegeus (Greek Steam merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII -