Sister ship Fort Médine, Ex War Fox. Photo
Built: 1918
Tonnage 5,186 / 8,248 tons
Cargo: 5,300 tons of coffee, cotton, timber and palm oil.
Sunk 29 NOV 43 by U-68 in pos 06º 32’N 12º 20’W.
0 Dead
61 Survivors
Completed in October 1918 as War Gnat for The Shipping Controller and managed by Miller & Richards Ltd, Glasgow. 1919 sold to France and renamed Fort de Vaux. At 00.13 hours on 30 Nov, 1943, the Fort de Vaux was hit by one of three torpedoes from U-68 off Monrovia. The U-boat had spotted the steamer and an escort several hours earlier and used Aphrodite radar decoys to lure away the escort before attacking. At 00.41 hours, a coup de grâce was fired which missed. The ship then sank slowly by the stern. The escort dropped six depth charges, but the U-boat was not damaged and left the area.