Lennox seen as former Glenlinnie. Photo. ea3c73d889e8d2f9e0bd55918abc35ecb4b1dca1.jpg (600×364) (bgsu.edu)
Built 1926
Tonnage 1904
Cargo: Bauxite
Sunk 23 FEB 42 by U-129 in pos. 09º 15"N 58º 30"W.
2 Dead
28 Survivors
At 15.04 hours on 23 Feb, 1942, the unescorted Lennox (Master Daniel Percy Nolan) was torpedoed and sunk by U-129 northeast of Barima, Venezuela. Two crew members were lost. The master and 17 crew members were picked up by the British steam tanker Athellrill and landed at Port of Spain.
By Lennox (Canadian Steam merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII - uboat.net