Built 1925
Tonnage: 5,733 / 9,608 tons
Cargo: 5,000 tons of general cargo, 2,000 tons of copper ore and 500 tons of chrome ore
Route: Lourenco Marques - Mossel Bay, South Africa - Freetown - UK
Sunk 21 AUG 42 by U–506 in position 07º 29’ N 14º 40’ W
7 Dead
66 Survivors
At 22.43 hours on 21 Aug 1942 the unescorted City of Wellington (Master McDonald Martyn) was torpedoed and sunk by U-506 southwest of Freetown. Seven crew members were lost. The master, 60 crew members and five gunners were picked up by HMS Velox (D 34) (Lt G.B. Barston) and landed at Freetown on 22 August.