Sister ship Glenwood. Photo glenwood2.jpg (1610×986) (
Built 1940
Tonnage: 4,897 / 8,970 tons
Cargo: 3,209 tons of general cargo and 5,000 tons of potash
Route: Haifa - Lourenço Marques - Freetown - UK
Sunk 26 AUG 42 by U–130 on position 05º 30’ N 14º 04’ W
1 Dead
40 Survivors
At 11.24 hours on 26 Aug 1942 the unescorted Beechwood (Master Samuel James Dring) was hit fore and amidships by two G7e torpedoes from U-130 and sank capsizing to port south of Monrovia. One crew member was lost. The master was taken prisoner by the U-boat, landed at Lorient on 12 September and taken to the POW camp Milag Nord. 36 crew members, five gunners and one stowaway were picked up by the RFA fleet oiler Fortol (Master Herbert Walker Flint) and landed at Freetown.