Built: 1929
Tonnage: 4,748 / 8,800 tons
Cargo: 4,000 tons of coal and 3,000 tons of coke
Route: Tyne - Oban (4 Jun) – Montevideo
Sunk 28 JUN 43 by U -172 on pos. 04º30”S 27º30”W
0 Dead
52 Survivors
At 06.43 hours on 28 June 1943, U-172 fired a spread of two torpedoes at the Vernon City (Master Malcolm Douglas Loutit), dispersed on 20 June from convoy OS-49, and observed a hit in the forward hold. The ship settled and sank by the bow at 07.07 hours south-southeast of St. Paul Rocks. The U-boat misidentified her victim as Cornish City. The master, 43 crew members and eight gunners were picked up by the Brazilian coastal tanker Aurora M. and landed at Recife on 4 July.
By Vernon City (British Steam merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII -