Built 1914
Tonnage 6,251 / 8,930 tons
Cargo: 3,950 tons of groundnuts, 2,200 tons of pig iron, 560 tons of manganese ore and 140 tons of general cargo
Route: Basrah - Capetown - Freetown - UK
Sunk 29 MAY 41 by U-38 on pos 06º 32” 15º 23”W
21 Dead
39 Survivors
Completed in January 1914 as German Frankenfels for DDG Hansa, Bremen. On 14 Aug 1914, seized by Britain at Calcutta after arriving there one month earlier on her maiden voyage and placed under management of Grahams Shipping & Trading Co, Glasgow. 1920 transferred to the Secretary of State for India in Council, London. 1925 renamed Tabaristan for F.C. Strick & Co Ltd, London.
At 23.50 hours on 29 May, 1941, U-38 fired a spread of two G7a torpedoes at the unescorted Tabaristan (Master Thomas Dunn) southwest of Freetown. The ship was hit by both torpedoes and sank by the stern after four minutes. 21 crew members were lost. The master, 35 crew members and three gunners were picked up by HMS Bengali (FY 165) (Skipper F.C. Butler) and the British armed trawler HMS Turcoman (FY 130) (Lt R.L. Petty-Major) and landed at Freetown.
By. Tabaristan (British Steam merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII -