Built: 1930
Tonnage: 6,373 / 9,766 tons
Cargo: 2,501 tons of pig iron, 5,304 tons of kernels, 500 tons of manganese ore and 382 tons of kyanite ore (aluminun silicate)
Route: Calcutta - Capetown - Oban - London
Sunk 30 MAY 41 by U-106 on pos. 16° 42'N 25° 29'W
3 Dead
51 Survivors
At 00.36 hours on 30 May 1941 the unescorted Silveryew (Master James Smith) was hit in the stern by one of two torpedoes from U-106 and sank west of the Cape Verde Islands. The master and two crew members were lost. 47 crew members, three gunners and one passenger made landfall at San Antonio, Cape Verde Islands.
By Silveryew (British Motor merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII -