Benalder seen as former Badagry. Photo Screw Steamer BADAGRY built by Irvine's Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co. Ltd. in 1919 for British & African S.N. Co. Ltd. (Elder Dempster & Co.), Liverpool, Cargo (
Built 1919
Tonnage 5,161 / 8,120 tons
Cargo: Military stores
Route: Freetown - Takoradi
Torpedoed and damaged 08 NOV 42 by U-161 in pos. 04º 19"N 02º 44"W.
7 Dead
52 Survivors.
Laid down as War Crow for The Shipping Controller, completed in December 1919 as Badagry for British & African Steam Navigation Co Ltd (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool. 1920 transferred to Imperial Direct Line Ltd (Elder Dempster & Co), Liverpool. 1934 renamed Tower Bridge for Tower SS Co Ltd, London. 1935 renamed Benalder for Ben Line Steamers, Leith.
Post War: 1947 sold to India and renamed Jaybrahma for New Dholera SS Co Ltd, Bombay. 1955 renamed Sigma Trader for Sigma Shipping Co Ltd (Mollers Ltd), Hong Kong. Broken up at Hong Kong in March 1958.
At 23.47 hours on 8 Nov, 1942, U-161 fired four bow torpedoes at the convoy ST-40 about 60 miles southwest of Takoradi and heard hits after 4 minutes 30 seconds and 4 minutes 55 seconds. The first torpedo sank the West Humhaw and the second damaged the Benalder, which stopped and was then hit from a distance of about 5000 meters by a stern torpedo fired at 00.12 hours. The ship was towed into Takoradi the next day, unloaded and after temporary repairs continued to Capetown, where she was repaired and returned to service in August 1944.