Built: 1914
Tonnage: 3,942/6,450 tons
Cargo: Coal
Route: Durban - Montevideo
Sunk 23/03/42 by Raider Thor on pos 31º 00”S 11º 35”W.
0 Dead
33 Survivors taken as POW.
Early on the morning of March 23, to the north of Tristan da Cunha, smoke was spotted, which was initially thought to be from their supply-ship, the Regensburg, but on closer inspection it was found to be coming from a small freighter.
Closing rapidly, Gumprich ordered his gunnery officer, Hermann Kandeler, to fire one 150mm warning salvo, while he signalled to the ship to stop and ordered her to refrain from using her wireless. Unwilling to unnecessarily risk the lives of his crew in what he could clearly see would be a pointless attempt to escape, the ship’s captain sensibly obeyed.
The boarding party identified the vessel as the 3,942-ton Greek M.A. Embiricos ship Pagasitikos, en route for Montevideo with a cargo of coal. Having taken her crew of thirty-three, which included one woman, on board, the elderly freighter was dispatched with a torpedo.