Sister ship Lodestone. Photo
Built 1938
Tonnage: 4,986/9,000 tons
Cargo: Iron Ore
Route: Capetown – Baltimore USA
Sunk 4/Jun/42 by Raider Stier on pos. 01º 52’N 26º 38’W
43 POW
On June 4, approaching unseen out of the morning sun, the Stier fired the warning shot from 8,300 metres, but this 4.986-ton British freighter, outward bound from South Africa to Baltimore with a cargo of iron ore, signalled QQQ, which was picked up by a nearby ship and acknowledged on land.
Having initially thought he was being attacked by a U-Boat, and despite the fact that the raider’s opening salvoes had failed to hit his ship, the Gemstone’s Captain considered it pointless to fight, and so ordered his gun crew to stand down as he prepared to stop and abandon ship. His entire crew were taken on board the raider as their ship was dispatched by a torpedo.