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10/SEP/2010. Added a new page titled ROYAL NAVY IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC. A page devoted to Royal Navy would be more than timely and necessary once its presence in the south Atlantic was a decisive factor in the maintenance of the sea lanes and a support to the Fourth Fleet in chasing the menacing U-boats and raiders. Meanwhile it was the gallant British Merchant Navy which suffered by far the heaviest losses in men and merchants in the south Atlantic scenario. 5100 lost their lives and 850 were made POWs. Nearly 13,000 survived. We will add nearly 180 warships of the Royal Navy which had a constant presence in the south Atlantic along with 87 from South African Navy.

ROYAL NAVY SOUTH ATLANTIC COMMAND - Articles - Sixtant - War II in the South Atlantic

10/JUL/2010. Added one more article at COMMANDER SOUTH ATLANTIC FORCE. The 12th of this series tells the story of the the fuel problems the American Forces found at Brazilian ports and the urgency in building an efficient storage system along the bases at the long Brazilian Northeastern coast.

03/JUN/2010. Added two pictures of British planes being uncrated at Takoradi, as well as a few others being carried in trucks through Cairo.

02/JUN/2010. Added one long article written by Frank Mc Cann "Brazil the Forgotten Ally", an in depth analysis on the country's weakness and isolation before the war and the modernization and challenges it faced after the conflict.

01/JUN/2010. Added one more article of the COMMANDER SOUTH ATLANTIC FORCE regarding the links between Brazilian-U.S.- Royal Navy, concerning the defence of the south Atlantic sea lanes including the preparations for the establishment of the U.S. bases and delivery of warships to Brazil.

29/MAY/2010. Added 5 pictures to the U-164 and U-863 pages.

14/MAY/2010. Added one more ship to the BRAZILIAN NAVY AT WAR, the survey ship Parnaiba.

10/MAY/2010. Reformatted several pages enclosing them in one single article page like US NAVY SQUADRONS IN BRAZIL and THE FOURTH FLEET. This system enabled a much easier way to search any page.

22/APR/2010. Added the complete story of  the most operative Navy Air Squadron in Brazil, VP-94 with several interesting pages.

21/MAR/2010. Added one more page at RECIFE THE FOURTH FLEET HEADQUARTERS, “Recife Harbor”, code named Base Fox.*-&sub=camp-ingram-&tag=2)camp-ingram-recife-

20/MAR/2010. Several pictures added in PARNAMIRIM FIELD “The Ferry Flights” The gigantic operation to ferry thousands of airplanes across 3 continents, a 10,000 mile journey from Miami to the beleaguered British Army in Egypt.

19/MAR/2010. Added several new pictures at AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, The Building of Parnamirim” showing the great effort undertaken by Pan American Engineers in building in a record time the biggest airbase outside US

18/MAR/2010. Added the page PREDECESSORS, at L.A.T.I. .The same was sent by Marino Miccoli son of Antonio Miccoli one crewmember of Italian Destroyer Antonio Pancaldo. The same was part of the support fleet that came to the south Atlantic with 14 flying boats in a historical Raid Roma-Rio de Janeiro in 1931. Antonio Miccoli was chief Petty officer at the Cruiser FIUME during the War II.*&sub=l.a.t.i.-*-italian-airlines&tag=1)the-predecessors

17/MAR/2010. Added one more page in COMMANDER SOUTH ATLANTIC FORCE, “BRAZIL  DECLARES WAR”, from unedited documents provided by Patrick Clancey.

20/FEB/2010. Added one more ship captured in the south Atlantic, this time the Norwegian tanker Sandefjord, captured by Adm. Scheer.

19/FEB/2010 Added several more interesting pages. Created one more article, SURVIVORS IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC. It deals with the impressive number of almost 20,000 survivors and where they landed. For now we put all those who were landed in Brazilian ports. Next pages will be dedicated for those who were rescued by the British in African ports.*

10/FEB/2010. Added the last remaining UBOATS IN ACTION IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC: U516, U-58, U-532, U-547, U-572, U-582, U-590, U-618, U-752, U-757, U-843, U-848, U-852, U-861, U-862. They were responsible for the sinking of 366 foreign ships and damages in other 10. They also sank 18 Brazilian ships and damaged one.

11/FEB/2010. Added one page at BRAZILIAN NAVY NORTHEAST NAVAL FORCE, LIEUTENANT FREIRE'S JOURNEY INTO WAR. A timely tribute to the young Brazilian sailor who was a crewmember of the Cananeia, one of the six Anti submarine minelayers converted into Corvettes.*&sub=northeast-naval-force-in-action&tag=3)lieut-freire-journey

24/JAN/2010. Added the stories of the following UBOATS IN ACTION IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC: U-202,U-505, U-506, U-507, U-508, U-509, U-510, U-512, U-513, U-514, U-515. Also added 4 more ships in FOREIGN SHIPS SUNK IN SOUTH ATLANTIC. They are: MARK HANNA, EVERAGRA, S.B. HUNT, GEORGE MEAD, now rising to 431 allied ships sunk/damaged in the south Atlantic area.

1)U BOATS IN ACTION - U BOATS IN ACTION - U BOATS IN ACTION SOUTH ATLANTIC - Articles - Sixtant - War II in the South Atlantic

17/JAN/2010. Added one nice picture in NORTHEAST NAVAL FORCE page showing a joint exercises between one Brazilian submarine, a Sub Chaser and one US Navy Destroyer escort during a torpedo fire drill off Recife. 14/JAN/2010. Added a few more Uboats in UBOATS IN ACTION IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC. They are: U-156, U-159, U-160, U-161, U-162, U-164, U-170, U-172, U-174, U-175, U-176, U-177, U-179

BRAZILIAN NAVY NORTHEAST NAVAL FORCE * - Articles - Sixtant - War II in the South Atlantic



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