Built 1926
Tonnage: 2,697 / 4,970 tons
Cargo: Ballast
Route: Liverpool - Pepel
Sunk 8 APR 41 by U-124 on pos 07º 43”N 15º 11”W
3 Dead
28 Survivors
Completed in May 1926 as British Quercus for Arbor Shipping Co, London. 1927 sold to the Netherlands and renamed Tweed for NV Nederlandsche Zeereederij, Rotterdam. 1935 sold to Transitus Shipping Ltd (Cornelis A. Lensen), London.
At 12.25 hours on 8 Apr, 1941, the Tweed (Master Henry Fellingham), dispersed from convoy OG-57, was hit underneath the bridge by one torpedo from U-124 southwest of Freetown. The ship was missed by a second torpedo two minutes later because she turned, but sank by the bow at 12.30 hours. Three crew members were lost.
The U-boat surfaced after the attack, approached a capsized lifeboat and took the ten men on it aboard for questioning. While the boat was rightened, the German doctor took care of an injured crew member and they were all allowed to reboard the lifeboat. At their commander instructions the lifeboat was stocked with food, water, cigarretes and some cognac. The master, 25 crew members and two gunners in two lifeboats made landfall at Conakry, Guinea.
By. Tweed (British Steam merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII -