Built: 1920
Tonnage 5,254 / 8,120 tons
Cargo: 6,009 tons of grains
Route: Melbourne - Capetown - Freetown - UK
Sunk 23 JUL 42 by U – 752 in position 05º 32’ N 14º 45’ W
21 Dead
67 Survivors
On 23 July 1942 the unescorted Garmula (Master Robert C. Brown) was torpedoed and sunk by U-752 about 200 miles southwest of Freetown. The master, 61 crew members and five gunners were picked up by HMS Pict (FY 132) (LtCdr W.N.H. Faichney, RNR) and landed at Freetown. 20 crew members and one gunner were lost.
By Garmula (British Steam merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII -