During World War II, one Brazilian submarine flotilla composed by 4 vessels, was incorporated to the Northeast Naval Force, based at Recife, which played an important role in extensive ASW exercises with surface and air escort units that operated subordinated to the Fourth Fleet. These vessels were built in Italy 1937 and were the same type the Italian Navy brought to the war. Adm Jonas Ingram expressed his acknowledgement for the cooperation given by these submarines during the conflict.
“With great pleasure, in this opportunity I wish to praise Cap. Attila Monteiro Ache, Commander of Brazilian submarine flotilla, for his relevant services during the time I headed the Fourth Fleet. The active work of the submarines Tupy, Tymbira, Humaytá and Tamoyo, was exceptional. Under Cap. Aché, these vessels were put under subordination of the Command of the Fourth Fleet, with the special aim of training ASW duties with ships and airplanes of US and Brazilian Navy. The contribution given to the allied cause by these submarine commanders, and his flotilla commander, through the valuable training exercises, can not be measured. The results obtained by our forces in eliminating the submarine menace in this area speak for themselves.
I request that knowledgement of this letter to be given to the flotilla Commander and he must be assured that his outstanding spirit of cooperation largely contributed to the cause of the United Nation.
In view of Lend Lease Act, when Brazil effectively entered in the war in Aug 1942, did Brazilian Navy acquired several ships, once the urgency in providing the necessary means to increase the efficiency and operational capabilities to defend its lengthwise coast as well as the vital sea lanes. In part that was eased because already in that date in Aug. 1942 the United States registered a considerable increment in naval production , specially small and medium units considered very adequate to the impending anti submarine campaign.
This valuable and timely assistance in warships, although delivered in a long term, between September 1942 to march 1945, along with defensive weaponry, i.e. gun emplacements for merchants, coastal and anti aircraft batteries, added to all sort of materiel resources especially deployed at the bases in Northeast, and under previous mutual agreement ceded to Brazilian government for a fraction of their total value after the war.
That measure can be interpreted as an important one, showing the importance the US government gave to the cooperation with Brazilian Navy and all advantages it ensued with the cession and use of naval and airbases along Brazilian coast. As an immediate result, already in Sep. 24th 1942, the US Navy took deliverance at Natal of the first 335 ton Patrol Crafts, ( PC’s). these vessels once incorporated to Brazilian navy were swiftly transferred to the newly created Força Naval do Nordeste FNN (Naval Northeast Force) under command of Adm. Soares Dutra and subordinated to the Fourth Fleet with denomination of Task Force 46. Such measure would be repeated with all new vessel incorporated.
Thus late in February 1943, FNN added 3 new PC’s, ex US Navy 762, 763 and 764. To the end of April 2 more were received, this time ex PC’s 765 and 767. One submarine acquired from Italy late in 1939, joined the FNN. Late in June 1943, FNN had added to Adm. Ingram command, 2 cruisers, 7 Patrol Crafts, 1 submarine, 1 tender, 4 minesweepers and 2 small auxiliaries, thus totaling 17 units. In July 5 more units were incorporated to FNN. They were ex Sub Chasers, (SC) 1288, 1289, 766, 605 and 607. In September 2 more Brazilian built minesweepers were added to FNN along with ex SC 1236 that came into Recife harbor early in December.